Friday, June 29, 2007


Does driving affect profoundly people's lives?
Allow me to answer this retorical question by posting an unsollicited email I received today from a classy person.

"Hi Stephan,
Thank you so much for all of the great help you've provided for my dad!! I appreciated your text message today telling me that he passed his test!! Passing this test is a monumental achievement in his life right now in terms of his stroke recovery and not only a benefit to his own independency but a big relief on the family as we are so happy that my dad can resume re-building his life!! We couldn't have done it without you and your patience and understanding and commitment to his learning!! Thank you so much for all that you've done and we will miss you!! I hope that we have a chance to see you sometime! You are truly a miracle and I am so happy that there are people like you in this world who benefit the lives of others!!! We will celebrate my dad's passing his test this week during our San Diego vacation!! Next week -- I will make sure that I also send a note to your company for your great abilities and patience and commitment!! Thanks again! And, hope to see you sometime in the future!!

J. H"

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